Horizon 2020 – Pillar Societal Challenge Call CO-CREATION-05-2016/2017

By now, when reasoning about science, innovation and research policy-modeling, new concepts of open innovation, social innovation and non-linear models of innovation are front and center.
Currently, the ‘open innovation’ paradigm is front and center even when formulating public policies.

hand-1030551_640Data driven policy-making, citizens engagement and open government are at the heart of the strand of calls CO-CREATION FOR GROWTH AND INCLUSION within the new Work Programme 2016-2017 on Societal Challenge 6 “Europe in a changing world” (SC 6) under the 3rd Pillar of Horizon 2020.

This post is intended for bringing to your attention the call Co-creation-05-20167/2017 ‘Co-creation between Public Administration: once-only principle aimed at boosting the creation of public value by improving the sharing of data and resources between the public administration themselves.
Both Innovation Actions and Coordination and Support Actions are financed.
Today is the opening date for both kind of actions. Both deadlines are on 24th May 2016.

In my humble opinion, new ideas and proposals inspired by this call could be a valuable asset to different public authorities under the Interreg Europe programme as well. Next call under Interreg Europe is due to be released on 5th April 2016.
With regard to Italy, issues like these could be addressed under the National Programme “Governance & Capacity Building, co-financed by the European Structural and Investment Funds.