Open Library


“The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it”
JohnChapter 1 Verse 5

“If there is education, the darkness will never overcome the light”
Antonio Bonetti


The objective of Open Library is twofold.

  • First of all, it makes an account of my studies and new knowledge that builds on my professional activities.
  • Secondly, it aims at broadening knowledge-sharing in Italy with regard to topics such as social innovation, impact finance, design-driven policies and lean start-up. In fact, Italy is a latecomer in these research areas.

Open Innovation 2.0


Open Library is divided into three sections as follows.


In this section you can find two working papers that I wrote at the request of the Research Centre POLITEIA (Avigliano – PZ).
It is regularly fed mainly with “policy briefs”, id est short articles regarding subjects that I have to deal with because of my professional activities. It is no wonder that these “policy briefs” are strongly rooted in my on-going research projects, i.e. SFERA PUBBLICA 2.0, LEADER 2.0 e EUROPE 2.0.

Guidelines, Proposals and Slides

In this section you can find Guidelines and Presentations (in Power Point) that I have prepared over the last years. They are mainly focused on European affairs and funds.


They are simple, short papers aimed at explaining some approaches and analytical tools used in strategic and local development planning, economic analysis, and evaluation of public policies. Some of these Tools will be simply a list of reference websites from which to gather information on social innovation, impact finance, design-driven policies, social entrepreneurship and lean start-up.