Guides, Proposals and Slides


Lo sviluppo locale di tipo partecipativo: l’approccio LEADER, il nuovo strumento Community Led Local Development e la formulazione dei piani di sviluppo

This short Note presents the main instruments aimed at sustaining local development strategies in the 2014-2020 programming period of the European Structural and Investments Funds:

  • LEADER approach (within rural areas/regional Rural Development Programmes),
  • the new instrument ‘Community Led Local Development’ (CLLD).

The Note provides an overview of theoretical framework and tools for territorial policies and places marketing, including SWOT analysis, logic models and Porter’s diamond.
In addition, main approaches to formulating development plans (Logical Framework Approach, Results-Based Management and Outcome Mapping) are dealt with.

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Master "La programmazione europea 2014-2020: i Fondi per la ricerca scientifica, la tutela della salute e l’invecchiamento attivo"

This proposal outlines a short master focused on EU Funds aimed at fostering scientific research, health and active ageing.
Accordingly, it proposes an extensive presentation of Horizon 2020, but also of the Initiative ‘Ambient Assisted Living’.
With regard to the Italian context, the course focuses on Thematic Objectives 1 of the European Structural and Investment Funds and National Operational Programme “Research and Innovation”.

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Master "Programmazione europea 2014-2020: i fondi per l’innovazione tecnologica, produttiva e sociale"

This proposal presents a short master focused on EU Funds aimed at fostering research, innovation and enterprises’ competitiveness.
Accordingly, it proposes an extensive presentation of Horizon 2020, COSME, but also of financial instruments under the aforementioned Programmes. With regard to the European Structural and Investment Funds, the course focuses on Thematic Objectives 1 and 3.

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Master "I fondi europei per gli Enti Locali"

This proposal presents a short master about EU Funds particularly useful for town councils and other local authorities.
There is a strong focus on European Structural and Investment Funds, but also on Programmes such as the Consumer Programme, LIFE, Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and the other “direct” funds particularly important for designing good local policies.

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Master "I finanziamenti agevolati 2014-2020 della Politica di Sviluppo Rurale dell’UE: focus sull’approccio LEADER"

This short master provides participants with an up-to-date presentation of; 1. main interventions aimed at fostering rural development, with particular emphasis on those supporting public services under Measure 7 (Basic services) and local development I n rural areas; 2. approaches and techniques to be used when formulating local development plans under the so-called LEADER approach (Measure 19 LEADER).


Master “La programmazione 2014-2020 dei Fondi Europei nella regione Lazio”

This short master provides participants with an up-to-date presentation of “direct” funds and “regional” funds of the EU available for operators based in the Italian region Lazio.
The short master is mainly focused on Local Authorities’ needs and opportunities, and the Regional Operational Programme cofinanced by the ERDF.

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Master "La formulazione dei piani di sviluppo locale"

This short master provides participants with an up-to-date presentation of theoretical framework for territorial policies and places marketing.
In addition, main approaches to formulating development plans (Logical Framework Approach, Results-Based Management and Outcome Mapping) are dealt with.
Finally, the master presents main tools for monitoring and evaluating ongoing projects.

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Master "Approccio strategico ai fondi dell’UE per le organizzazioni non profit"

This proposal is about a short master aimed at enhancing expertise of non profit managers in EU funds and EU project design and management.
Both “direct” funds and “shared management” funds (mainly “structural funds”) are dealt with.

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Master "Modelli di gestione e modelli di funding di enti non profit e imprese a vocazione sociale"

This proposal is about a short master intended for equipping participants with a sound expertise in management and funding of non profit organizations and social enterprises.
There is a strong focus on innovative business models for social enterprises, especially the business model canvas.

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Master "Fondi europei e nuovi strumenti di funding per la scuola che cambia"

This proposal outlines a short master directed at equipping participants with a remarkable knowledge about the National Operating Programme Education (in Italian, 'PON Scuola') and its synergies with “direct” funding of the EU aimed at fostering research, innovation and lifelong learning in Europe.

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