Guides, Proposals and Slides

Master "Riforme della PA e nuovi modelli di funding per le politiche pubbliche"

All Italian Public Administrations (PAs), irrespective of their size, face increasing financial constraints. Furthermore, ongoing institutional and administrative reforms bring about both the set up of new functions and new public expenditure. That is the case in particular for Local Authorities.
Accordingly, this short master presents those financial instruments of the EU that could allow Local Authorities to keep financing local services, while coping with increasing fiscal constraints.
In addition, this master provides participants with an up-to-date presentation of;
1. main features and advantages of public-private partnerships (in particular project finance initiatives aimed at improving public infrastructures), and
2. issues and opportunities raised by new funding models for public policies, such as fundraising for PAs, crowdfunding and pay-for-success models (Social Impact Bonds and Saving Costs Bonds).

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Sviluppo locale partecipativo nel periodo 2014-2020: dall’approccio LEADER al nuovo strumento Community Led Local Development (Participatory Local Development in the programming period 2014-2020: from the LEADER approach to Community Led Local Development)

This short presentation was discussed at the workshop “Weaknesses and potentials of the Lazio ecosystem at the dawn of the new EU programming period”, held in Terracina, Italy (25th October 2014) within the Terracina Ta’m Terrae Festival. The Festival and the workshop were jointly organised by AGIA Lazio, Ta’mTerrae and Cooperative ELP with the aim of broadening knowledge-sharing about new opportunities for the agricultural sector in the new programming period of EU policies.

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I Programmi di Cooperazione Territoriale nel ciclo 2007-2013 delle politiche dell'UE (Interregional cooperation programmes in the framework of 2007-2013 EU Cohesion policy)

This short presentation, named ‘Interregional cooperation programmes in the framework of 2007-2013 EU Cohesion policy’ was discussed at the seminar  ‘The programs of territorial cooperation of the EU and the position of Basilicata in the Mediterranean’, organised by the Research Centre POLITEIA (Potenza – Italy) on 27 February 2010.
It aims at broadening knowledge-sharing and understanding about the cross-cutting objective European Territorial Cooperation of the Structural Funds.

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Principali elementi innovativi della programmazione FSE 2014-2020 (Main innovations in the ESF in the 2014-2020 programming period)

This short presentation was discussed at the 2-day workshop  “The youth issue in Basilicata and the Youth Guarantee”, organised by the Research Centre POLITEIA (Potenza – Italy) on 5 and 6 July 2013.
It aims at broadening knowledge-sharing about the main innovations in the European Social Fund (ESF) in the new programming period of EU policies.

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Guida alla Europrogettazione (Centro Studi POLITEIA)

This Guide – commissioned by the Research Centre POLITEIA – deals with EU’s financial instruments, the difference between call for tenders and call for proposals, and the “toolkit” we should use in order to formulate winning proposals for getting EU’s funds.
Special emphasis is given to the fact that many approaches and techniques used in Europroject design are based on approaches and tools widely used in business planning and project management.
Moreover, the Guide makes the point that “mainstreaming” (project’s relevance to the EU’s policy framework and the Lisbon Treaty)  is the key factor in most projects’ success.

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