
Le politiche dell’UE per i giovani. I programmi dell’UE a sostegno della mobilità professionale in Europa

This short paper was presented at the conference ““The youth issue in Basilicata”, organised by the Research Centre POLITEIA on 23 and 24 July 2010.
It aims at broadening knowledge-sharing in Italy with regard to EU’s financial instruments used in the programming period 2007-2013 in order to increase young people’s mobility within Europe. In particular, it presents the following instruments:
Lifelong Learning Programme,
Youth in Action,
Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs (EYE).
All these instruments have been confirmed as primary financial instruments of the EU’s strategy  aimed at increasing professional mobility and youth employment within the MultiAnnual Financial Framework 2014-2020 (see Official Journal of the European Union L347 – Volume 56 20 December 2013, and Regulation (EU) No. 1288/2013 of 11 December 2013, establishing Erasmus +).

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La lotta alla disoccupazione giovanile in Europa: le iniziative recenti dell’UE e il contributo del Fondo Sociale Europeo post 2013 (WP 2 Centro Studi POLITEIA)

The paper deals with recent initiatives launched by the European Commission for tackling the increasing level of youth unemployment in Europe. The analysis is developed in the framework of the new reform of the European Social Fund (ESF) in the 2014-2020 programming period.
Both aforementioned initiatives and new reforms of the ESF are spoiled by a “supply-side” approach. The author argues that Europe needs expansive policies aimed at enhancing effective demand. That being the case we can expect a reduction in unemployment. On the contrary, both Youth Guarantee and new reforms of the ESF could only bring about a redistribution of current employment.
The paper offers a concise presentation of main innovations in ESF strategy and actions as well.

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Finalità e struttura del bilancio dell'Unione Europea (WP 1 Centro Studi POLITEIA)

The WP describes the system of public finance of the European Union and the main EU financial instruments. The first part presents structure and headings of the Multi-Annual Financial Framework of the EU and resources and principles of the annual budget. The second part presents both the financial instruments managed directly by the European Commission and those funds managed according the share management principle, in primis the Structural funds.

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