

Il POR FSE Lazio 2014-2020: Profilo strategico e azioni

This short paper presents strategic design and actions of the Regional Operational Program of the Lazio Region cofinanced from the European Social Fund in the programming period 2014-2020. It is a useful Tool  for a better understanding of its objetcives and actions.

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Logic Models, Logical Framework Approach e Project Cycle Management (Logic Models, LFA and PCM)

This short analytical tool examines some well-known approaches applied when formulating projects and local development plans, id est Results-Based Management approach, Logical Framework Approach and Project Cycle Management.

The author adopts the position that policy-makers and experts do not always fully consider the different ratio of Logical Framework Approach (LFA) and Project Cycle Management (PCM) when they use these methods.
LFA is a planning tool, key to formulating plans based on a clear focus on “expected results” and the interlinks between these results and actions. PCM is a wider method, aimed at ensuring effectiveness and efficiency of the entire “project cycle”, by verifying results and quality of procedures at each phase.

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Financing social innovation in Europe: the Programme for Employment and Social Innovation

This Tool presents background to e objectives of EaSI, the new EU Programme aimed at sustaining employment, social innovation, social inclusion, and social entrepreneurship and micro-enterprises in the 2014-2020 programming period.

In accordance with Regulation (EU) No 1296/2013, EaSI (Programme for “Employment and Social Innovation”) extends political scope and support of three existing EU Initiatives:

  • the Programme for Employment and Social Solidarity (PROGRESS), established by the Decision No 1672/2006/EC;
  • EURES, the network of European Employment Services that promotes labour mobility within all the EU Member States, EEA Countries and the Swiss Confederation;
  • the European Progress Microfinance Facility for employment and social inclusion.

This Tool lays emphasis on the importance of EaSI for the implementation of the agenda on “social innovation” (currently at the top of EU political agenda) and of the Social Business Initiative (SBI), launched by the European Commission in November 2011.

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